Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Being a grandmother is a gift.  You get all of the good, and don't have to enforce, or discipline the bad.  It's easier--because when they do something wrong or inappropriate, you can just talk about it.  No threats.  Just guidance.  And hugs.

Bible School is a must for children.  The things they learn will be good.  The history of moral values are in the Bible, and parents need all the help they can get.  Christian, Jewish, or not.  Most religions endorse good.  And the stories in the Bible are classic literature.  Give your child the advantage of education in one of the oldest writings of man's history.

I saw my grandson Brady on Sunday.  His brother turned four and there was a party.  I asked Brady if he wanted to go to Bible School with me again.  "Yes.  I want to go."  If, as a grandmother, you can engage them in such activities, you will build memories for them.  

I clearly remember going to my grandmother's house when I was four.  I can draw you a template of her house.  Every room.  But I can't tell you much about where I was living at the time--in our house.  Grandmother's house is vivid in my memory.  There was an outhouse!!.  And in the kitchen, there was an ICE-box.  I can hear her saying, "Janie, please close the icebox or the ice will melt."  At least a dozen times a day.

The word "refrigerator" hadn't been invented yet.  Or if it had, nobody had one.  The ice man delivered your ice.  In Pryor, the ice house was just west on main street across the railroad tracks.  You only went there if all the ice in your box had melted--because someone kept opening the icebox door too much.  Generally, you only opened the box to take what you needed for the day.  If you wanted ice for something, you had to chip it.  Everyone  had an ice pick.

I lost mine when I moved to Edmond, so I went looking for an ice pick at appliance stores.  No luck.  Next, I had Becky look for one in her estate sales.  I figured that if anyone my age was having an estate sale, they would have an ice pick.  I finally found one.  When I was growing up, everybody had an ice pick.  Nowdays, not everyone knows what one looks like.

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