Wednesday, February 13, 2019

So went the days of summer.  Bible School in the morning, swimming in the afternoons.  In the evenings we caught fireflies and stuffed them in Mason jars to watch them twinkle.  Tore off their tails and pasted them on our arms and faces and waved our arms around in the dark night.  Poor fireflies.  It didn’t occur to us that it might be sadistic.  Summer was magic.  

Eventually, all of the Bible Schools were over and regular school began.   Tucked into the recesses of my mind were all those Bible verses I had learned.  Waiting. 

Admittedly, the weight and full meaning of those verses escaped me--I was too young to fully comprehend the deepest content contained in the words.  I don't know that the words meant anything to me at all, other than a means of getting another colored card. 

However, the simple messages were etched into my permanent memory, and stayed there untapped through the following years. When you memorize scripture, it goes into your memory bank.  Stored up for the future.  Waiting.  For when you need it. 

In Isaiah 55:11, God says: "So shall my word be that goes forth out from my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."  If something is in your head, in your brain, God will bring it to mind. 

I grew up.  Married and moved a thousand miles away from my small town.  It was in these emerging adult years that the words of the verses would come to me.  

“There has no temptation taken you but that which is common to man..."  

"Get wisdom and with it get understanding..."  

"Thy word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against thee.”  They were in my brain.  Simmering. Ready to be used, or to share with someone.   (Continued...)

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