Wednesday, February 27, 2019

My Mac is now a magnet.  I can't wait to get to it every morning and find out what is going to happen next in my second manuscript.  I've read all the "How To" books that say you need  a title and an outline.  Huh-uh.  All I ever have is a beginning and an end.  If I know where I'm starting and where I'm going, I just write.  

It's like the Christian life.  I know where I started...I gave my life to God and was redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ himself.  I know where I'm spend eternity with Him and those I love.....forever and ever.

  The stuff in-between is called life.  Bad stuff, good stuff, dull stuff, exciting stuff.  Broken heartedness, joyfulness.  We need to live as if today was our last day here.  You don't know how many days you are allotted.  Make it the point of the life you are living to change someone by your story.  Where it began.  Christ. They desperately need a beginning as well.  The ending is optional--you get to choose where you start; where it ends is up to God.

It seems to be working.  I'm still not out of stories from my past.  I was surrounded by such unusual and interesting people.  Parents, husband, children, friends.  It has given me an encyclopedia of things NOT to do.  Things that you "aren't going to like" the way they they turn out.  Someone in my extended family has done it.  I bet they have in yours as well. 

It has also given me a multitude of things that turned out to be wonderful.  You don't live eighty years without a bunch of stories.  Eighty one in March: 3-26-1938.  That's a long long time.  Scott texted me today and called me an Energizer Bunny.  I spoke to a friend we had from 1964 yesterday. (Neurosurgeon that lived next door on base that I haven't seen since)  He said that a long life was usually determined by attitude.  It was an interesting observation for a brain surgeon.  I think you could say I have "attitude?"  What kind--that's the question.

"Brethren, I don't count myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things that are ahead,I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."  Phillippians 3:13-14.

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