Monday, February 18, 2019

When I married in August, I promised my folks that I would start college in Pensacola in September--the next month.  It was especially important to my mom that I do that. 

I've written before about my Gran and Pops having only gone to school through 8th and 2nd grades respectively, and how they saw all five of their children graduate from college.  It was a big deal in my family that we go to college.  They stressed the sacrifices that had been made for all five of them to accomplish that.  To get a college degree during the Depression had been very difficult.  It was expected that I too would start immediately after high school.

But I didn't to do that, because Ken was due for orders, and I figured that I wouldn't be able to finish the course work before we moved.  As it turned out, I didn't fulfill the promise to my folks until Ken was sent to Viet Nam--nine years later.   Four children, and ten moves later.  I was twenty-seven years old.  I certainly wasn't an eighteen year old kid anymore.   

He was gone for thirteen months.  I had been involved in a Bible memory class before he left when we were in Beaufort, South Carolina.  It was the first time I had memorized Scripture since Bible School days as a child, with colored cards.  I was using a system by the Navigators that gives you a key word, and subsequent memory verses on that subject.

Faith: "Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it."  
          "You are saved by faith, not by works, lest any man should boast."
          "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."

Many of the verses I learned were repeats that had gone fuzzy in my memory.  Going over them again made them meaningful.  It had been at least fifteen years since I had learned some of those verses as a child.  Now they were like concrete set in my head.  Now, I knew what they meant.  Now, as a Bible teacher they could be applied.  They were no longer just random words.  They were real promises from God.  In those nine years since I married Ken, I had grown up and become  adult.  Ten moves in nine years.  It will make an adult out of anybody.  At every move, we joined a church and taught Bible classes.  (Continued)  

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