Friday, February 22, 2019

I've come down off my cloud and into reality.  I know nothing about contracts.  I have seven days to figure it all out before I sign one.  But one thing happened as a result of the publisher offering to buy the book.  It motivated me to get busy and finish a second one that I was half through with.  The publisher wants that one as well.  So I have been burning up the Mac keys.  For the first time ever, I've been running out of "charge" before the day is over and having to plug my computer back in.

Motivation is a peculiar thing.  You either have it, or you don't.  When I moved into this house, I was on fire gung-ho to hang pictures.  But once I got the part of the house that I
actually live in done, I couldn't drum up the motivation to finish the rest of the house--because I never go back there.  Pictures are still lying on the bed spread in the second guest room.  

Becky Bacon is coming Sunday and Monday, so I finished her room months ago.  She comes in the door and heads to "her" room.  I got that room done--motivated by the fact my friend was coming to see me.  Motivated by having a friend come to my home.

There are four bedrooms in this house.  One little old lady like me doesn't need four bedrooms.  But that's the way the house came.  Take it or leave it.

I have been praising God for my good fortune of finding a publisher.  I have prayed for that to happen, but was shocked when it did.  Why do we doubt the power of God?  "Oh ye of little faith...", Jesus said.  "If you had the faith of a grain of a mustard seed..." 

I am rambling today.  I will get my thoughts together next week.  "We are saved by faith, not by works...lest any man should boast."  And here is the best thing about faith...when you exercise the faith God has given you, it grows.  Like a tiny mustard seed grows into a gigantic plant.

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