Friday, February 8, 2019

I said I would start the story today, but it is so long, I will have to break it into segments and write over five days.  So, since it is a "continued" story, I'll start it on Monday.

I promised that I would never write over six inches at a time.  I'm going to keep that promise.  I don't know how it comes out on your end after I post it, but on mine, it's six inches.  If it's longer than that when I write it, I edit it until it is six inches.

One of the things I learned, from teaching math at NEO A&M for twenty years, was that the human brain had a listening-learning condition.  Fifteen minutes and humans go brain dead.  Learning is hard.  Being entertained is easy.  Next week, I'll entertain you.

So I'm through with talking about Genesis for awhile--until the next time I get the itch to go back there.   I know that all of you aren't as interested in the Science of Genesis as I am.

Writing religious stuff can be difficult.  I've read a bunch of it, but I find that I skip a lot of passages because they are so...I don't know the word.  I have the attention span of a gnat.  If I want to know something, I just go to the back of my Thompson's Chain reference Bible.  It cuts to the chase, and gives me every scripture on whatever word or subject I am curious about.  And they are written out so that I don't have to look a bunch of stuff up.

My TC looks like shredded paper because I have worn it out.  All the edges are frayed.  (It's the Bible that I got in '66--that Ken and Joe flew to Falls Creek when I forgot it)  My notes are in the margins.

I'm embarrassed when someone asks me if I've read "so-and-so."  Which is the latest thing in inspirational print.  I always have to say, "I haven't gotten around to it yet."  I don't tell them that I probably never will.  I like Pereitt'is books.   They are religious sci-fi.  "This Present Darkness."   Sometimes I feel like I am a religious misfit.  Other people like inspirational books.  Daily plans to read, etc.   Like I said before, I have the attention span of a gnat.  I need a book to cut to the chase.  I don't need a lot of adjectives.  Just gimme' the facts...I'll put them in my Bible margins.  Actually I like factual-fiction or fictional-faction.  Those kind of books sometimes hold my gnat attention.

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