Tuesday, February 19, 2019

While Ken was in Nam, I started a women's Bible study group in my home.  We ended up with a crowd that filled the living room and dining room.  I used Billy Graham's study group guides, and supplemented them with the Scripture stored in my head.  

I had been in a group in Beaufort that used those booklets.  They were very effective.  Short, and to the point.  I haven't found anything in the last fifty years that were as good.

The group learned scripture.  And in subsequent years they used scripture that they  had memorized as they became teachers and directors in our church.  Today's literature has too many words that are just fluff--the Bible itself is never fluff.

If you don't have anything to say that is from the word of God, or life experiences, you won't be able to teach someone else.  And that is what Christianity is all about, teaching others to share their faith as opportunities arise.  And when you are prepared, opportunities will arise.  God will present them to you.  You don't have to go knocking on doors.

Jesus said, "Go, and make disciples..."

It is critically important to put your children in Sunday morning classes, and Bible School.  They will absorb things in their minds that will be, "...a very present help in times of trouble."  Introducing God into their thoughts will be a comfort to them as they mature.  They may not understand it all, but God's words "...will not return to Him void..."   You are not in the game of teaching moral values by yourself.  God is in it.  It's His plan in the first place.  "Faithful is he who called you...who also will do it."  Children are like sponges.  The things they learn early will stay with them.  At my age, memorizing is agony.

The last two summers, I worked in my church's Bible School.  I had never done that before--I always worked with youth, or adults.  Children are definitely not my gift.  But my grandson turned five, so I took him. I wanted him to have the experience of Bible School.  And learn scripture.  So that someday, when he needs it, God's words will return to him. (Continued.) 

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