Monday, February 25, 2019

I worked all day Friday at the estate sale.  Becky has one around every three weeks.  She got me a chair to sit in.  If I have a comfortable chair, I can write tickets all day long.  Which I did.  I wrote an entire book full of tickets.  People were buying stuff right and left.  I had taken my Sudoku book with me and didn't have time to work any of the puzzles.

The way you do a sale like that is put a sales person in every room of the house. Sometimes we have  nine or ten people working.  As buyers leave the room, you record the price of what they have in their hands.  They take their ticket to the check-out to pay.  The check-out line was 10 to 15 people all day long.

Becky brings all of us lunch.  Home cooked which is lovely.  She floats from room to room answering questions.  It is a lot of fun.

But I was in a bedroom next to an open door to the garage, and got chilled and ended up sick.  I spent the next two days in bed, then it went to my chest, and today the doc put me on antibiotics.  I'll live, but it's hard to just do nothing all day.

That was my weekend.  Except for praying.  Every minute of those three days I was praying for Carol Neighbors.  She went from bad to worse, and didn't recover.  Those of us who loved her are brokenhearted.  Those of you who knew her--pray for Scott and her daughter, Megan.  Carol was so young.  It happened so fast.  One day she was here, and then gone.

Someone asked me a couple of Sundays ago why bad things happen to good people.  I don't have an answer to that.  I wondered why Ken had to go to Viet Nam and leave me with three children?  Why did I get breast cancer?  Why did my baby Amy die?  Why did Ken's kidneys fail?  Those kinds of questions will drive you nuts if you are not a child of God.

Faith is a funny thing.  You have it or you don't.  You believe in God's ultimate plan, or you don't.  In all of the bad things that have happened to me, I have been able to say, "God's will be done."  I believe that, or times like Carol's death wouldn't be able to endured.

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