Wednesday, June 23, 2021

 I get up every morning with thankful feelings.  It is a decision I have made.  I start by being thankful for my fingers not having arthritis.  I have it in my hips and back but not in my fingers!!  So I can type with no pain.  I don’t walk very well, but who cares! I can type.

I am thankful for running water, and hot water as well.  Light switches--my grandmother had kerosene lamps. (They smell bad.)  Every night you lit the lamps so you could see.  It’s probably why they went to bed when the sun went down.

Air conditioning!!  I used to sleep with my head on the edge of an open window just hoping there would be a breeze to cool me.  We had a water fans...they helped, but got everything wet.  The rotating fan blades picked up water and blew it in the room.

And in the winter, I don’t have to chop wood and build a fire.  Or head out to the back of the house in freezing weather to get to the out-house.  No toilet paper.  There was an old Sears Catalog.  And corn-cobs in a basket for you to use.  Now that is a truly unique experience!!!

Get up thankful.  There is so much to be thankful for.  We live in a country that has never been equaled.  Many have died to secure our freedom.  God has blessed up with so much that is good. 

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