Tuesday, June 22, 2021

 Of course..... I got a call from the publisher; she doesn’t know that she can make it today.  Why am I not surprised???

I’ve reached the point that expecting something is painful.

If you are seeing large lime green caterpillars on plants, especially parsley, don’t kill them.  They are pre-butterflies.  Monarch I think.  They won’t eat much before they spin a cocoon.  Save the animals, birds, insects etc.

Except roaches and rats.

The temp in my area went from the 90’s to the 50’s yesterday and today.  I sat on my back porch and talked to God and explained how thankful I was he decided to give us relief.  

And then it rained.  Hallelujah!!  My tomatoes said, “Thank you.”  I said, “Thank you,” as well.

The large bare dirt 15 feet across place in my backyard where a huge (huge) crape myrtle had shaded the ground, for thirty years before I bought the place, is now grown over with grass--once I had the tree trimmed, the sun did it’s thing.  My entire yard is now green.

I’m feeling blessed today.


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