Wednesday, June 9, 2021

ng th s

Not blogging is like loosing an old friend. I have done this for over 2500 days.  It’s amazing that I didn’t quit at some point.

My curser on my computer quit moving.  I couldn’t even shut it down.  Craig worked on it for days, finally re-synced it.  Whatever that means and it is up again, but he and Becky both think it’s time for a new one.  I just do what they tell me to do.  Both of them are engineers and computer gurus

And as I am typing this, the curser is failing again.

I am in Bible  School this week and I think this is my last year.  It is a lot of walking jumping and playing which my old bod can’t do any more.  My grandson Brady is staying with me so he can go.  He loves it.  Which is good.

Today is the last day.  Which is also good.  I’m worn out.  

Craig fixed the old computer--somewhat.  I have to use a mouse with it, and I haven’t used a mouse in six years.  It’s an adjustment--which I don’t like.  The older I get the harder adjustment gets.  A new one is on order and will be here next week.  It will be lighter and smaller.  Lighter I like.  Smaller, I don’t know.  I am going to have to adjust.  No choice.

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