Monday, June 21, 2021

The problem with losing your computer for two weeks is that when you finally get it back there are hundreds of e-mails and a zillion facebook notices.  

The only way to deal with it is to delete them all and hope none were important.  Which is probably true.  It’s the same with the postal mail.  All junk.

I’m sure that I lost some of my blog readers.  They probably thought that I bit the dust.  That said...I will say....hello to you!

I have received notice from my publisher that tomorrow morning she is coming to my house with a bound final copy of my first book.  I am afraid to believe that it is true.  I have an emotional flutter in my chest that I can’t calm down.

I wonder what it will look like to see a book named “The Letter” with the author’s name “Janie Jacks” on the cover.  It seems surreal.  I can hardly wait.  She says that I will have copies to take to Hardy’s book store for the high school reunion on the 3rd of July.

I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.  I’ve been disappointed too many times.  There are two ways to publish: pay someone, ie Amazon, or find a publisher that will buy the book.  When you sign a contract with a publisher who buys the book, you are at their mercy as to when it is published.  But the advantages are immense.  One is that they push to get it into libraries.  They do extensive advertising...I hope it works.  I’m holding my breath.  It is definitely not the money--which is minimal--I just want everyone to read it....

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