Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sunday we studied the appearance of Jesus in the room where his disciples and the women and others were hiding from the Jews.  He just appeared.  Scared them to death.

Which is interesting, because Jesus said to touch him that he was flesh and bones, and then he ate a fish.  Bodily form.  He wasn’t a ghost.  How did he get into the room if he was flesh and bones?  Did he just pass through the walls?

Which made me think...what is the  way he changed from spiritual to physical?  And next, where is the abode of the spiritual?  Where is heaven?   We always look “up” to heaven, but if that is true, what about the people on the other side of the earth.  Their up is our down.

Maybe heaven is all around us but we just can’t see the spiritual--we don’t have “eyes” to see.  I don’t know.  But when I start asking those kind of questions, my mind rattles back and forth. 

God is everywhere.  He is spirit.  What is that?  What is spirit?  Where is it?  How does it go from spirit to bodily form like Jesus did that day after the resurrection--in such a way as to pass through walls.

Maybe I ask too many questions?

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