Friday, June 25, 2021

I’ve been bleeding money for the last few months.  Had to have a new air conditioner and heating unit.  A new instant hot water tank--the regular one stuck out in the garage so that I couldn’t get out from the car into the door of the house--so they put a flat instant heater up on the wall.

Then the metal window blinds were bent and wouldn’t work.  Had to replace them all.  And yesterday, I took my 2008 car in for a once-over and the bill came to $1700.  Then they called to tell me that there was oil in the spark plugs.  Another five-hundred and something.

That’s when I said enough.  The car isn’t worth that much.  He reconsidered and got the entire bill down to the original quote.  If it runs for six months, I’ll be ahead of a car payment.

I don’t drive that much.  Grocery store, get my hair done, and church.

Still---I am feeling like I need to put a finger in the leak in the dam.

It’s a good feeling to know that God is in charge.  I can’t think of anything else that will break down.  The appliances are all new from when I moved in.  “Every good and every perfect gift is from above--and cometh down from the Father of whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”   Which means it’s all okay. 

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