Tuesday, June 1, 2021

June 1, and it is still cold in mid-Oklahoma.  Strange spring.  Yesterday it rained all day.  I’m wearing a sweater today.  I slept under a down comforter last night.

I have decided that this is a good time to read the writings of Josephus.  Many educated Bible theologians quote this Biblical figure.  He was a Pharisee living in Jerusalem at the time of Christ, and considered to be the most informed historical writer about Herod.

I think I finally want to find out for myself what the big to-do is about Josephus.  So far, all I’ve learned is that Herod was a murderer of an extreme degree.  He even killed his own sons.

I’m not much interested in Herod.  Or his wives.  Or relatives.  Their names are hard to keep track of.  Many names look similar.  Suffice to say that it feels like I am wading through quicksand.

I want to get to something that adds to the narrative about Jesus.

However, I’m reading it.  I finished reading “Their Finest Hour” by Winston Churchill the last few weeks.  It has me prepared for quicksand.  Every memo he wrote to a zillion people prepared me to read Josephus.  Both are rich in detail.  And I have the attention span of a gnat.  But, I’m getting it done.

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