Thursday, July 28, 2022

It has been a fun day.  Tate beat me at Scrabble twice.  I hope I never see another Scrabble tile again!!!  He is better at it than I am.  I am truly worn out, but in a good way.  There is a reason God gives children to young parents.

I am so thankful he came to stay the night with me.  We had a wonderful time.  His dad is going to come get him in the morning.  They start school next week.  Unlike the other boys in the family, Tate is calm.

We put a puzzle together which was a lot of fun.  He told God that we needed rain...and stood out in the yard waving his arms in the air as the rain came down.  I should have had him come sooner.  We needed the rain and he seemed to think that having God answering his prayer wasn’t unusual.  He even yelled into the sky that if someone else needed it more than we did,  that they should get it, but could we have a little of it.

The faith of a Child.  Awesome. 

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