Monday, July 18, 2022

My freezer side of the refrigerator is starting to look normal.  I never label anything I put in there (Lots of single serving leftovers) so...I never know what I’m going to eat when I take something out.  That’s why I call it surprize-a-meal.  

But not too long ago when Ann and I were garage hopping, I found a huge package of fifty small single-serving commercial see-through plastic containers.  Now I only use those.  Slowly, I’ve thrown out all the cottage cheese, etc. plastic things you can’t see through.  My freezer is starting to look like someone who is neat lives in the house.  Before, it looked like a “tater-shed” fridge. Throwing those old containers out was hard.  It went against my raising--don’t throw anything out that you can “make-do” with.

My gramma fed and let people stay out back in the potato shed in the 20’s depression.  They were hopping the trains going West and every one knew the place to hop off--in Wilburton, Oklahoma.  Georgia Wilson’s farm. They could stay in the “tater shed”, and eat Gran’s cooking for a few days before they started hopping trains west again--throwing their kids on board.

Their children were ragged.  Gran reclothed them and burned their rags.  So we were raised to be sure we didn’t act or look like “tater-shed kids.”  That’s why I said my fridge looked tater-shed.  It was really ragged.

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