Monday, July 11, 2022

Sunday’s lesson was over the last chapter of Ephesians.  Paul was writing to the Gentiles and he ended his thoughts by telling them to be strong, and put on the full armor of God.

Having lived 57 years with a Marine, there are a zillion stories to tell and not enough years to tell them.  But concerning armor, I remember an incident when Ken was flying back and forth to Pryor giving me all of the reasons that I should marry him.

We had gone swimming at Pryor’s public pool.  I had never seen him with his shirt off, and across his back was a huge X from shoulders to waist where there was no hair.  “I asked him why he had shaved an X on his back and he said, “I didn’t shave my back--that’s where my Mae-West straps rubbed me raw.

He had been flying a Corsair for over two years, a prop plane, and the “Mae-West” pack held a parachute and survival gear strapped to his back between him and the seat of the airplane.  He wore it every day to fly.  The straps were criss-cross across his back and had left a permanent mark.  An X.

When you prepare for battle--whether it be an air war, or against the evil forces of the devil--you need armor.  Paul describes the armor of God...waist chinch of truth, breastplate of righteousness, feet shod with the gospel, shield of faith, helmet of salvation and the final and only offensive armor, the sword which is the word of God.  If you don’t have the word of God in your heart and mind and behavior, the enemy will get you.  

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