Thursday, July 14, 2022

 Scott came to see me yesterday. He and Pat and Becky took their spouses and kids to Outback that night.  They call themselves the “first family.”  Before Jon.  I was too weary to join them--but enjoyed all of their reports of their get-together. 

Jonathan came along so much later.  And Ken had been retired from the USMC for four years (when Jon was born) so he wasn’t a military kid.  Pat was 15, Becky 13, and Scott was 9.  Jon grew up in one town.  The other three were born and raised coast to coast.  Fending for themselves.  

Scott declared my garden dead.  I agree.  I got two tomatoes before it dried up.  The ones I planted against the house in the flower garden did much better.  Raised beds in the yard let the plants dry out too quick.  And my garden gets sun all day--which with the weather right now means they are being cooked at high heat sunup to sundown.

Everyone has been really good lately to bring me food.  Jeanette brought me Chinese (Yum!) yesterday.  Jeannine brought me a meatball wrapped in Bacon.  Scott brought me steak and sweet potato last night from their dinner.  I’ve been cleaning the freezer out of the “Surprise a meals.”  I never label anything so I never know what I’m going to get.  I just eat it.  I’ll eat anything at this point.  But it is really nice when I get something I like!

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