Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Yes, I have been watching the Jan. 6 hearings.  Interesting.  Almost all of the people who have testified are Republicans--they were the only ones in the white house at the time.  They were also the ones at the “rally.”  So it has been their reports and testimony as to what They saw and heard.  

The thing I have found to be the most interesting about it all, is everyday people denying what the witnesses are reporting.  I wonder where Walter Cronkite is when we need him.  Demos and Repubs are at war.  

I’ve just found the reactions to it all to be the thing that is concerning.  Without taking sides, listening to the people who were there has been interesting to say the least.  I hope someone figures out how to keep such a thing from ever happening again.  From either angle.

I’d like to hear Reagan say, “Tear down this wall.”  Or Truman say, “The buck stops here.”  I remember those two standing up to say something that was meaningful.  But I’ve been through so many presidents and Senate members by my age, I doubt there are very many statesmen left in the world.  I think it is “Follow the Money.”  

We just have to never forget that God is in control.  Even though R and D politicians are positive they have God in their pocket.


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