Monday, July 25, 2022

Jeanette brought me 24 sliders yesterday.  I wrapped them in Saran and froze them individually--Breakfast for a month or two.  She does a mushroom broccoli quiche for me occasionally as well.  I freeze those slices also.  

Breakfast is a problem for me--since I don’t like milk or eggs. Jeanette’s gift is taking food to others.  She is a fabulous cook and loves to do it.  

She has finally given up after I have refused to take the food, and let me pay for the ingredients.  We argued over that for months and she finally gave in.  That way I don’t feel like such a leech.  It is such a blessing.  Breakfast doesn’t have to be a lunch is from all the unidentifiable left overs in the freezer.

Becky Bacon brought packets of oatmeal with freeze dried peaches that you fix with a tiny bit of boiling water.  She got me started on that. If you buy Quaker, it is almost four dollars.  House brand is a dollar sixty eight.  They are exactly the same thing.

Ann and Jeanette both brought me peaches last week, which I cut up on the oatmeal.  Breakfast has gotten easier.  I am so blessed by friends who take care of me.  My surprise-a-meal lunch yesterday was stroganoff that Jeannine brought me a couple of weeks ago.  Delicious.

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