Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Today will be exciting.  Jon is going to bring Tate (first grader) over around noon to stay all night.  Tate’s personality is very much like Ken’s was.  Quiet, thoughtful, vocabulary out of this world.  He is the one who came up to me in Bible school and asked me if I knew what a compound word was--that it was made up of two words. Which I thought was a little bit advanced for his age.

I told him that I did know--and he asked, “Well, then...what do you call a word that is made up of three words?”  Which I had never even thought of considering.

We had memorized a verse from Ephesians 2:10 that says, “We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus...” and of course he had never heard the word work-man-ship, and was trying to figure the word out!  I told him I had never heard of a question about three-word words.  “Let’s give them a name,” I said.  We decided on Tri-pound, which Tate liked.

I have taken his brother Brady to Bible School 6 years, since he was in kindergarten, but this summer was Tate’s first time to stay all night with me.  I called Jon last week and asked if Tate could come.  I would like for him to remember me a little bit after he is grown--my grandmother meant so much to me.   Perhaps he will remember something.  I hope it is good.

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