Monday, July 4, 2022

The fourth of July.  What a monumental day in our history.  The suffering, the fortitude, the determination that it took to give birth to a nation.  It is amazing the mental fortitude of our founding fathers to determine what freedom really would mean to the ordinary citizen.  We are so blessed.

Death of those in our military through the ages has been so random.  But from those ranks, heros of freedom emerged.  Those who believed in the foundation of our freedom and were willing to face loss of their lives to defend our constitution.

It is all so fragile.  We forget sometimes what they died for.  It is an idea, written on paper, and protected by those you and I elect to office.  We are Americans.  There has never been a nation such as ours.

Ken would always say, “I serve at the pleasure of the president of the United States, elected by the people of our nation.”

Our political leaders are “our” leaders.  Pray for them.  Whoever they are.  They have the power over our military--to send them into deadly fire.

We must never forget the price that has been paid for the freedoms we enjoy.

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