Monday, April 10, 2023

I got a notice last week that my third book has been sent to the review board for consideration.  Which is the second step in publishing.  First you have to get a publisher to acknowledge that you exist--and that they are interested in what you have written.  Then, if they like it, you get a contract.  This publisher is already in the process of printing one of my books and said they want to read what else I have written.  There is hope?

Another publisher has had the first book I wrote for three years with no sign of publishing.  It is frustrating beyond description.  I finally gave them notice to return it, or get it into bookstores by the end of April.  I don't have time for that kind of stalling.  I did learn something from it however.  You always want to get a print date written into the contract.  Which I did do with the publisher of the second book.  So now, there are three books out there, waiting on printing...and I am hoping that God sets a fire under someone.  The New York publisher gave me an October or November date in the contract.  We'll see.  All of you keep asking when.  I don't know, but you will be the first to know when it is published.

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