Thursday, April 6, 2023

I was tying a bow yesterday on my pull up kakis yesterday.  It was perfect.  Two loops right and left lying flat and the ties lying down neatly.  And I remember the day that I learned how to do that.  

I was getting ready to go to church, married two or three weeks and my dress had a bow I was trying to tie--unsuccessfully.  Ken watched, then said, "You want me to show you how to do that."  I was surprised.  A man?  Tie a bow?

He went through the steps and when finished, I had a perfect bow.  Yesterday as I was tying a bow, I wondered where he learned that?  It must have been USMC regulation for tying the laces on their shoes?  What ever the reason, when I see some kid with their bow loops going up and down rather than side to side, I want to tell them to call the Marines.

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