Wednesday, April 5, 2023

I seem to be forgetful about posting anymore.  I get busy doing something else.  A lot of nothing else, as a matter of fact.

When they came for my birthday, Kim brought me Twining's Darjeeling tea which I can't buy in Edmond.  Kathy brought me two pans of homemade yeast rolls that she made.  Carolyn brought me the ken-ken puzzles she cut out of her daily paper for months and months.  About a zillion of them.

So I can drink tea, eat a roll and work a puzzle.  It doesn't get any better than that.

I took Pat to dinner at Texas road house the other night.  I've been trying to eat the leftovers ever since.  You would have to be a huge person to eat everything they put on your plate.  I always get the prime rib which is the only kind of cow I like to eat--besides a hamburger.  Seafood is my first choice for protein.  I'm going with Jeanette to Red Lobster tomorrow.

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