Thursday, April 20, 2023

The publisher wanted a picture of me for the web page.  She wandered through the house looking at a million pictures of me with children.  Four of my own, ten grandchildren, ten great-grandchildren.  All of them next to me in some way.  On my lap, with an arm around my shoulders, etc, etc.  There seem to be a zillion of them.

She wanted to present me in a certain way since the book is about children and families who are left at home when their fathers go to war.  She chose a picture of me and Ken Jack.  Named after his hero great grandfather.  I thought that was fitting.  But of course I had to call his mom and ask permission.  She, Jennifer, was thrilled to death.  But who knows if that will really happen.  At this point in the publishing journey I am reluctant to hope.

We’ll see. 

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