Monday, April 3, 2023

Every time I prepare a lesson from the Bible for my Sunday class, I learn something new.  The week before Easter was the crucifixion story, and Carolyn (who is teaching from the same book as I am) got me interested in the plant called  hyssop.  

It was used to spread sacrificial blood on the doorpost as the Israelites fled Egypt.  And in the Psalms, David said "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean...whiter than snow."  There is no way to say for sure because the written word doesn't tell us.  But when Jesus said "I thirst," they gave him vinegar on a sponge.  A sponge fixed in the branches of hyssop.

At that moment, he was carrying the sins of the world.  Could it be that (as David said) the symbolic brushing of the body of Christ with hyssop was God's final word on cleansing him of all the world's sin as he died.  That is a random thought in my head--from nowhere in the Bible.  It just is interesting that the last thing to touch Jesus was hyssop which was used in cleansing rituals of the Israelites..

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