Tuesday, August 29, 2023

    I pulled into a drive through to get a burger today and the car in front of me (stopped at the speaker to give her order) had huge white lettering all over their back window.  Big letters you could read from a long way off telling me that our government had killed all the people in Hawaii.  Telling the world that the government was our enemy and using the worst cuss word over and over...(probably her age was in her 40’s, early 50’s)
    As she drove off, there was such vitriolic printing on the other windows as well.  Along with web sites you could go to.  I was in shock.  Good thing one of our service people weren’t behind her.  I wonder where such hate comes from. I guess I am naive, but I’ve lived through Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, Trump, and Biden--fifteen presidents--and I am still an American who loves her country.
    We are better than people like the woman in the car in front of me.  We get to vote.  We can protest.  We are free to move, travel, work, make friends, go to any church we want to, and get a hamburger at a drive through.  Being married to a 21 year career Marine who served at the pleasure of the president--no matter who he was--taught me to be thankful for our country. It may not be perfect, but it is ours.  We can change it with a vote. And we do that on a regular basis.  God bless America. 

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