Tuesday, August 15, 2023

One thing a dog does for you is that they force you into a schedule.  At six in the morning, Molly starts wiggling around in her crate, no verbal noise, just enough motion to wake me up.  She has been very polite in the mornings.

Next step--all my morning rituals of getting up and dressed while she waits on me---I am very aware that she is patiently waiting.  And then I let her out and head for the back door.  She has learned the routine and knows what she is supposed to do and that a treat is waiting when she comes back in.  That done, I take my four “first thing in the morning” pills.  And think that I should eat something--which I don’t.  That thought keeps running through my mind until about nine o’clock when I finally eat something.  In the meantime I usually blog, figure out when I am going to do my “three” things that I laid out the night before.  All the while, Molly is laying on my lap with her head tucked under my arm.  She loves the routine. I kinda do too.

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