Monday, August 14, 2023

When I go to bed each night, I always plan out three things to do the next day.  Things I don’t want to do--and have been procrastinating.  It’s 8:00 AM and I have already finished doing one of them.  Hallelujah!!  I always feel relieved when one of those “I don’t want to do” tasks is completed.  Now...on to the other two.  I can put them off the rest of the morning....or maybe I’ll get on to doing the second thing.  I have all day to do them....and am an expert at procrastinating.

Molly has learned to “come”, “heel”  and (kind of) to “sit.”  She is smart.  She has also learned the “go outside” routine...that if she does what she is supposed to do, she gets a treat.  She comes back inside, runs to the refrigerator and sits in front of the door and waits. I’m slower than she is, but she is patient.

Dogs are a lot of trouble.  But I think it’s worth it.  She is so happy all the time, I can’t help but smile.

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