Monday, August 28, 2023

    Sunday, the lesson was about Abigail--who was married to a wealthy idiot who “dissed” David the king.  She took care of the situation with humility and wisdom.  I was thinking of all of the women of the Bible who were honored by being wise.

    Esther.  Ruth.  Mary the mother of Jesus.  Elizabeth. The woman that touched the hem of Jesus’ robe...I could go on and on.  The list includes women who were prostitutes.  Mary Magdalene. Rahab who helped the two spies by hanging a red cord from the window. The woman at the well in Samaria. 

I can’t think hardly any women in the Bible that weren’t elevated by the writers.  But it seems today, that denominations have a problem elevating women.  And yet, the very first people to tell the story of the resurrection were women.  And they took to message to men!  If you have a job to do, a woman will get it done.  Maybe I am biased?   

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