Thursday, August 17, 2023

I wish I had a coach on how to find things on this computer.  I don’t understand files.  There is a little icon at the bottom of my face page that says finder, but I don’t know how to use it when I’m looking for something.  I’m always afraid the entire thing is going to blow up.  I can use “Word” to write, but that’s it.

Molly has learned the word “sit”.  She does it (if she wants to).  We are working on who is in control.  She can heel (kinda), and come--most of the time.  She knows the word “no” really well.  That’s good.  She just has a hard time with who is in control. Which is a toss up so far.  I control the treats, so she is coming along, but she is really independent.  She was on her own for so long that she is a surviver at heart.

I made a meatloaf this week that was terrible.  I think I’ve forgotten how to cook.  But she loves it.  I’m bribing her into obedience.  So far, so good.

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