Friday, September 13, 2013

I'm sitting here looking at my calendar from September 2008.  Yes, I'm one of those who writes everything down on those square calendar boxes.  It's like a diary:  dentist, dogs to the groomer, hair cuts, repair man,  etc. etc.  And then I save the calendars.

I was checking to be for sure that this week, five years ago I found out that I had breast cancer.  The aggressive, invasive stuff.  But I had a ticket to London with my friends, so I had the surgery and a few days later got on a plane.   How many times in your life do you get to go to London?!!!!  I Put it all in the hands of God--and the morning after I got back from overseas, I started chemo.  Then radiation.

I'm alive.  I can't help but wonder, "Why did I survive?"  But of course we never get the answer to those kinds of questions.   I certainly bless God that I am here, and that I have the strength to take care of Ken.  I'm glad that I'm getting to blog.  I teach a class.  I'm playing the piano at church.  I hadn't done that in thirty years.  I played my marimba last Sunday.   Who knows why I lived.  I'm thankful I did.  Five years and counting.

Heb. 13: 5b-6  "…be content with those things that you have: for He has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you.  So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do to me."

Be content.  With what you have.  In this moment.  Be thankful for today and the joy that is in it.

God won't leave you.  You can say with all confidence:  God is my help.  I'll get through this.

Keep on keeping on.  Fear will stop you in your tracks.  So don't stop putting one foot in front of the other.  If you have a ticket to London, go.

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