Monday, December 23, 2013

I have been in a broadband crisis for over two weeks.  It doesn't look like it will be fixed before the 26th.  AT@T made a mistake they don't seem to be able to correct.  I certainly don't need this right now, but it has been something to distract me.  Maybe that is good.

However, I have found out that I love writing this blog and that I miss it terribly.  I will be back soon.  Today I'm at my daughter's house so I can use her connection.

In the meantime, I have read all 150 of the Psalms twice.  And that has been so interesting.  He says the most interesting things to God.  Like, "Are you listening to me?  Why don't you answer me?  You promised that you would hear me and rescue me."  This type of conversation goes on and on in almost every Psalm.

And that is what the prayers of David sound like.  A conversation with God.  David does not use the usual phrases that we associate with prayer.

I think I will talk to God differently after reading the Psalms.  No question David asked seems trivial, just a plea from the heart.  An attempt to communicate with his creator.

He uses the phrase, "You promised," often.  I never though of reminding God of the things he has promised us in His word.  Maybe using such phraseology shows our faith--that we really believe what the Bible says.

"I will never leave you or forsake you," sounds pretty good to me right now.

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