Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The most interesting new thing I have learned from reading the Psalms is:  David wrote most of them when he was despair.  He felt besieged from every side.  He was sure he was going to be killed.

But the thing that lifts your spirit is that in every calamity, David stands firm on his faith in God.  Even when he thinks he is losing, he begs God to hear him.  To listen.  To answer him.  He never gives up on God, even when his future looks bleak.  He praises God.  He lifts God up to the people.

In Chapter 40 and 41, God speaks.  First, two commands to David.  Don't be afraid.  Don't be dismayed.

Psalms 41: 10  "Fear you not; for I am with you:  be not dismayed; for I am your God:  I will strengthen you;  yes, I will help you;  yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness."

I confess.  My worst fear is to feel fear.  I  avoid fear at almost any cost.  I hate the feeling of fear and as a result, I am not very adventurous.  I avoid conflict.  I will stay in my house and read a book.  I always plan ahead:  If "one thing" happens, I will have a  plan do one thing.  If something else happens, I will  have a plan to do another.  I always have a plan.  The unexpected makes me afraid.

Then God says four things to David:   (1.)  I am your God.  (2.)  I will strengthen you.  (3.) I will help you.  (4.)  I will uphold you.  And all of this is done with the right hand of God's righteousness.

I'm counting on God to be my God.  And to do the next three things.  I can't do any of them myself.

Proverbs 3: 24  "When you lie down, don't be afraid.  Yes, lie down and your sleep will be sweet."

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