Monday, March 30, 2015

Every year in Oklahoma, some species of blooming flower or tree outdoes itself.  This year it it the Bradford Pear trees.  They are covered with huge white blossoms.  So thick you can't even tell that the tree has limbs.  They look like huge vanilla ice cream cones.

In the garden of Eden there were four types of trees.  Genesis 2:8-9  "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.  And out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is (1) pleasant to the sight, and (2) good for food; (3) the tree of life, and (40 the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

vs. 17 "...of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it..."  And of course Adam and Eve did the one thing God told them not to do.  Original sin was born.  They suffered spiritual death and separation from God.  God cast them out of the garden lest they should eat of the tree of life.  They would have been zombies!! The living dead.  Dead in sin, living forever in that condition.

The other two trees are solely for our good.  One type was for food.  They didn't eat meat at that time.  As a matter of fact in Gen. 1:29, God tells them that the tree that bears fruit and that bears seed will be their meat.

The other tree was for our pleasure.  Pleasant to the sight.  Dogwood, Redbud, Bradford Pears, Cherry, Peach, and on and on and on.  God meant for us to be uplifted with joy at the sight of beautiful trees.  And I am.  Many of them have no purpose except to bring us joy.

Spring is here.  Psalms 104:16-17 "The trees of the Lord are full of sap;...where the birds make their nests..."  I have a Japanese Maple right outside my back door.  There is a robin who builds a nest in it every year.  Or maybe it is one of her babies coming back to the place where she was born.

Spring is God's way of saying he's going to give us another chance.  Winter is over.

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