Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Robins are everywhere.  Daffodils are popping up their yellow heads.  Dead looking trees are starting to have a touch of green.

Next week is my birthday.  I always know it is coming because of the Oklahoma redbuds.  They bloom on my birthday every year.  My entire family knows this, at least one of them reminds me when the first buds appear on the trees.

My son Jonathan called me one year on March first and said, "Happy birthday, Mom."
"It's not my birthday for three more weeks," I told him.
"But the redbuds are blooming."
"That's because you live in Houston.  I'm hundreds of miles north of you!!!  But thank you anyway."

I'm so glad spring is here.  Those of us in Oklahoma can't really complain about the weather this winter.  Everyone on the East coast got the bad stuff.  We only had a few bad days.

I don't complain much about the weather anyway.  It needs to freeze to kill the bugs in the ground.  The other morning, it had come a frog-strangling rain and when I got up, there were dozens of foot long earth worms all over my bathroom tile floor.  They were drowning and had squeezed under the door sill looking for somewhere dry.   I rounded them up and found a place outside under an eave where it wasn't very wet.  I didn't think or I would have saved them for my garden.  At least they lived.   I'm sure the robins got some of them.  They were huge.  Almost the size of a small snake.

 Song of Solomon 2:11-13a "For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;  The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land.  The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell..."

Take a deep breath.  God is doing his thing again.

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