Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My friend Becky Bacon called with a funny story.  Seems that she and hubby Joe had gone to some lecture in Tulsa that was almost entirely Jewish.  When it was over, they bought a book and asked to have their book signed by the author.

"Name," he asked?

"Joe and Becky Bacon," she replied.

"Oh no, I can't put that name in this book.  Not bacon.  This is a kosher book."  So he signed the book to Joe and Becky.  Quiet kosher.

I guess that means that the word, "bacon" is as bad as the product?  I got a kick out of the story.

Personally I have never understand why pigs were unclean in Jewish law.  I think Ham, and pork, and bacon should be a separate food group.  And I can't cook beans, greens or much of anything else without bacon drippings.  Yes, I know.  Cholesterol.  I am probably going to lose a few days off my life.  But if I don't have drippings, I use butter.  Which is just as bad.  I don't even buy margarine.

But my blood pressure is low (very), my cholesterol numbers are always perfect, and my weight is normal or below normal.  So I'm sticking with the drippings and butter.

Matthew 6:11, "....give us this day our daily bread."  I love bread.  With butter.

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