Thursday, October 1, 2015

We have water.  We have land.  We have the sun.  And we have multitudes of plants.  The earth is ready for mammals and humans.

The next part of the chapter concerns rotation.  Some of it is repetition of what has already happened. Gen.1:14-18, "And God said, let there be lights in the heaven to divide (this is why I think things started rotating in a regular way) the day from the night...and God made two great lights; the rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the divide the light from the darkness...and the evening and the morning were the fourth day.  (Scientists believe that the moon is a spin-off of the earth.)  Making: using one thing to make another.

With the moon, we get tide life.  Critters that live in the bullrushes and on the shores.  The tide comes in, the tide goes out.  Day five begins with everything now set up for the birds.  Most birds live near oceans, lakes, and ponds.  Where there is water.  They are closely connected to sea life for food.

This next verse is where there could be some connection between fish and fowl.  When you dissect, the fish fin and the bird wing are very similar.  The tail as well.  They both have a different way from humans and mammals of getting oxygen.  Could they be in the same family?  Maybe.

Gen. 1:20 "And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the sky..."  Did the water bring forth two creatures?  Fish and fowl?  There are flying fish.  There are deep diving, swimming birds.  Like I said, I don't believe in "evolution theory."  But if fish and fowl are in the same family, I don't have a problem with that.

However, mammals are an entirely different category from fish and birds.  So are human beings.  And God is getting ready to RE-plenish the earth.  Like I said earlier, I believe in words.  If this was the first creation, I think the word would be "Plenish."  Not "Replenish."  Were there men in the first creation?  Probably.  God doesn't say.  We know there were animals.  We really know very little for sure.  Only what God tells us.  In his Word.  In his Words.  They are always true.

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