Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I forgot to post this this morning.  Sorry.

When we went on our adventure last week, Pat--who is my horse-woman--took me to see the Clydesdale horses twenty miles west of here.  They won the World Championship this year in Ottawa.

When I stood up by one, his head rose at the least, another three feet above mine.  They are huge.  Probably nine to ten feet tall.  The only animal I have ever seen that is bigger is an elephant.  They are also very tolerant and placid.  Their feet are as wide as a person's head.  "Behold, we put bits in the horses' mouths, that they may obey us; and we turn about their whole body."  James 3:3  Even a horse that big can learn to obey.  James is saying that we, too, must come under control.

God has made wonderful creatures for us to enjoy.  "And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and birds that may fly above the earth in the open sky of heaven."  Genesis 1:20vrv

My dog Squig is probably my best friend right now because he is with me every moment of every day.  He is very loving and sweet.  He spends most of his day curled up in my lap, and every night under the covers on my feet.  Wherever I go, he is trotting along behind me.  I am thankful for him.

Science would have us believe that life sprang up all by itself from molecules that aren't alive.  How that happened, they don't have a clue.

But we know that He is the life.  In him is life.

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