Monday, November 2, 2015

Years ago, there was a list of seven words that you couldn't say on Television.  Now there aren't any.  Most of them had sexual connotations.  But equally offensive to Christians was the blasphemy of God, Jesus, Christ, and Holy things.  Have your ever heard anyone say "Buddha damn" or "Allah damn?"  Of course not.  You never hear anyone swear in any name but our God and our Christ.  That is because there is no power in "...any name under heaven, given among men whereby we must be saved."  You can't blaspheme Allah, Buddah, or any other so-called god because they have no power.  There is only one God.  His name is Jehovah.  He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We have become a people with no culture.  "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."  I think our nation must be a nation with sewage in their hearts because that is what is coming out of their mouths.  I cringe when I hear those seven words on my television.  I hurt when I hear God's name taken vainly--lightly.

There is nowhere to go with bad words.  They've hit bottom.  The only thing someone can do now when they want to swear is to say the worst word they can think of over and over.  Bad words have lost all meaning.  I especially am sickened by the way women speak.   I think the concept of "She is a lady," has been lost.

It is a tragic condemnation on us that we have become so filthy mouthed.  There should never be that kind of language in the life of a Christian.   We need to be above such language.  We need to be an example to the world.

When I was growing up I never heard bad words.  People had class.  Now they don't.  It's a pity.  Even children use God's name lightly.  They repeat what they hear.  It is sad.

But let "...all uncleanness...not be once named among you, as becomes saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, not jesting...but rather giving of thanks."  Ephesians 6:3-4  That pretty much covers it.

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