Friday, November 13, 2015

I've been deleting Facebook friends because of the sheer number of them.  They are still friends, but they send me so much junk that it wearies me.  I don't need mottos.  I don't need those "Send this to your friends if you love Jesus" messages.  And I really don't need a million pictures.  One will do.

However, I do like to get a notice if something unusual happens.  I got a picture of a parade yesterday from Pryor, in which Marines were marching with flags and a banner that read "Marine Corps League,  Stanley-Jacks Detachment."  Two of Pryor's native sons.  Monroe Stanley fought in Iwo, and three other horrible Pacific Island landings in WW2 and by some miracle he survived.  He was wounded, but even though he was on disability, he talked the USMC to reenlist him when Korea broke out--knowing that he would lose the disability payment.

And Ken.  Well.  Two wars.  Korea and Vietnam.  Hundreds and hundreds of missions.  Two Distinguished Flying Crosses and the Bronze Star.  Air medals, etc.  Hit many, many times but somehow got back.  (A couple of planes that he returned to home base were trashed because they were so badly ground-fire damaged.)  Also, the North Koreans  would hang wires from mountain top to mountain top and the pilots were so heavy with 500 pounders that they couldn't get high enough to miss them.  And of course, you couldn't see the wires.  Most who hit a wire were finished.  Ken hit one, bent the fuselage but got home.

I said yesterday, "Where do we get such men?"  I don't know.  But they keep coming.  And we keep sending them into harm's way.  God bless them.  And women as well.  My granddaughter Amy just got back from a tour in Afghanistan--four years, and now out.  Thank God she came home.

Wars and rumors of wars.  Will it never end?  I have six grandsons.  I certainly don't want any of them to get shot at.  However, I am proud of both my sons for serving.  Scott in the Marine Corps and Jon in the Navy.  We must pray for our leaders.  Leaders of all nations--that they will make better decisions.  "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."  Matthew 24:11  Lord, please give us the wisdom to recognize them.

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