#8 The bribery of the soldiers. Matthew 28:11-15 Only Matthew tells us about this.
The two Marys went to the tomb and were told by the angel that Christ had risen. They ran to tell the disciples that Christ had risen from the dead. And "...when they were going, (at that same time) behold, some of the watch, (soldiers) showed the chief priests all the things that were done...and after they (the chief priests of the Jews) assembled with the elders...they gave large money to the soldiers saying: Say you: His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. And if this comes to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, (we will lie) and secure you. "
"So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day." That is where the doubt about the resurrection started. Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it even when the truth is evident.
Ken always said that the Roman soldier at that time was like a Marine sentry. They would never, never have fallen asleep while on watch. And if a Roman soldier did fall asleep, he would never, never have gone to the priests and elders to tell them about it. It was punishable by death.
But the Jewish priests and elders had already rejected Jesus as their Messiah and didn't want anything to interfere with that decision. It is hard to imagine such hate. But look around you at what is happening today. Those who believe in Jesus, Christians, are systematically being beheaded, or shot, murdered or tortured if they don't deny him. So much hate for the one who said, "Peace I give you."
At Christmas, we sing, "Glory to the new born King." He will reign and we will be with Him in his kingdom. "Peace on earth, good will toward men."
"Thy kingdom come." Please. Quickly.
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