I bet most of you think I am serious all the time. Not so. I got a giggle today when I was going through a stack of paper from at least forty years ago. Papers that I had put off sorting. I didn't know what all was in the stack, so I didn't think I could just toss it.
Turned out it was poems etc. that I had written in a Creative Writing class in college. Since most of my classes were science or math related, I took this class just for fun. The teacher was quite elderly, but the college retained her to teach this one class every semester because of her ability to inspire. She certainly inspired me. I had always been rather rigid. This class changed all that. She said we had to let the cat out of the box. We had to imagine.
She would give us a topic, tell us to write in iambic pentameter, haiku, or some other style, then turn us loose. It was one of the most fun classes that I ever took. Here is the poem I wrote that made me giggle.
There was a green tube of tooth pastey,
Which somone squeezed out much too hastey.
It split on the side, And a gooey green tide,
Ran all down the sink, what a wastey.
I once knew a frog named Magastor,
Who fed upon old oil of Castor.
He lived in a slue, A real good thing too,
Since the next day was quite a disaster.
There. That was creative. Aren't we glad God gave us the ability to think. There are three other stanzas. If you don't make fun of me, I might share them.
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