Friday, February 5, 2016

I got my eyes tested yesterday and they haven't changed in the two years since I had cataract surgery.  Still 20/20 for long distance.  That's good.  It is amazing what modern medicine can do.  I can see.

In three more months I will have to get a new pacemaker.  I don't have any heartbeats of my own any more.  I have a great heart, strong, healthy, no cholesterol,  etc.  It just doesn't have an AV node to tell it to beat.  I lost that when I was 34.  Forty-four years ago.  I should have been dead.  But once again, modern medicine came to the rescue.

I could go on and on about the near medical disasters in my life.  But I've made my point.

However, there are times when medicine or surgery won't fix the problem.   We should always call on Jesus for healing.  Most people say that we should do that first.  I say, do both.  God has given us wisdom, but He still decides.  He has the final say.

When I got breast cancer, it was aggressive and had spread.  The minute I found out, I started praying.  I also immediately went to the doctor to schedule surgery.  Then I left for London on a trip that had been in the making for months.  And started chemo the day I got back. No use wasting a trip with your friends because something bad has happened. That was 7 years ago.  I was healed by the grace of God.  But I still see the doctor and take my meds.  I'm not stupid.

Whether it is modern medicine or surgery, the outcome is still in the hands of God.  He has a plan.  We are just a small piece of it.  "If you will, you can heal me..." is what the leper said.  I think that is a good way to pray.  I've certainly lived longer than the doctors expected.  But they don't get to decide.

"...thy kingdom come, thy will be done..."  The Lord's prayer is full of things that are hard for us to pray.  But it works out better if we do.  Praise God.

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