Monday, February 29, 2016

I love bread.  Yeast bread.  The more yeast the better.  And it is certainly a Godly thing to eat, or there wouldn't be so much Godly stuff written about it.  Almost every time we see Jesus eating, or speaking, there is bread involved.

"Give us this day our daily bread..." Matthew 6:
"Jesus took the bread and broke it..."  Matthew 26:26
"I am the bread of life..."John 6:35,48
"Man shall not live by bread alone... "Matthew 4:4
"...the bread of God is He..."John 6:33
"...he took bread and gave thanks...Acts 27:35

And in the Old Testament, they regarded bread as a wonderful, pleasant, joyful food:
"Bread eaten in secret is pleasant..." Proverbs 9:17 )
"...go, eat your bread with joy..."Ec. 9:7   (I like this one.)

 And this next verse hints that I am going to get to eat bread forever in heaven. "...the blessed eat bread in the kingdom..." Luke 14:15  That is a wonderful expectation.

One of my earliest memories is of my grandmother making bread.  And the aroma still haunts my memory.  I never learned how--because I was surrounded by great bread and pie makers--why bother.  (I can't make a pie worth eating either.) I wish I had listened better. 

Both grandmothers had an ongoing argument over whether to use an egg or not.  As far as I was concerned, it was a moot point because both of them were experts at making yeast bread.


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