Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I just finished 800 posts.  I can hardly believe it.  What began as a lark has turned into something else. I looked at my on line audience today, and there are readers not only in the United States, but also in France, Germany, Portugal, Indonesia, and Romania.  People that I won't ever meet in this life, but hopefully in the next.  Hello out there.  God bless you.

I also figured out how to read your comments for the first time.  It was so encouraging!!  The only problem is that they are cut off after one or two sentences.  I have a new friend in a Sunday School class that I taught a week ago named TJ who is a computer guru.  Maybe someday she can help me figure it out.

God is so good.  Some days I just feel overwhelmed at his goodness.  And then my next thought is, "Why does He bother with us?"  We are so flawed.  So puffed up with ourselves.  Just when I think I have done away with my pride, I find myself patting myself on the back for being such a good person.  Ugh.  God usually lets me know (immediately) that he doesn't think I'm "all that."  And reminds me that if it wasn't for Jesus living in me, I would be worth nothing to Him.  Totally useless in my unrighteous condition.   So much for my pride.

We have a tendency to itemize sin.  1. The worst sin, 2. The next worst sin...and so on.   It is true that some sins are much more horrible than others in terms of life and death.  Those sins destroy the community.  And not only God, but the government condemns them.  But to God, sin is sin.  It is all disobedience.  We are guilty.  He is merciful if we repent.  (Repentance is not just being sorry.)

Psalms 119:11 "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." It is the stuff I memorized (hid in my heart) as a child that helps me remember who I am.  God's child.  I certainly don't want to embarrass Him by doing something wrong.

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