Friday, February 12, 2016

This church that I go to keeps me really busy.  Seems like one group or another is doing something every day--and doing it with food on the side.  I've only cooked once in the last two weeks.  I like it when everybody gets together and brings their favorite dish.  You never know what you are going to get for dinner--but it is always really good.

However, the side effect of all of that is that I am gaining weight.  Seems like everyone loves deserts and tries to outdo each other's cooking on that front.  I usually don't like sweets, but..........

Sunday, I will start teaching a Bible class again.  There are nine women, and I am excited about it.  And Saturday, a first cousin that I haven't seen in a long time is coming to stay over night.  Besides that, a second cousin (once removed) called to talk about our common great-grandfather.  Her name is Ann Harrison and she is big into genealogy and has traced our family back for generations.  It is really interesting to hear the stories she has uncovered and the people she has found that are related to us.

It is a rare thing now for cousins to be close to each other.  America is so mobile that everyone loses track of their other family members.  And we are so busy with our own lives that we let things slip.  I love to get together and talk about the "Old Days."

This is one of the remarkable things about the Bible.  They kept track of each other and made lists of who "begat" who.  You can trace Jesus all the way back to Adam.  Ann (Harrison) said that the Bible is a book of the genealogy of those before Christ.  After Christ, people quit keeping track of those things.  Probably because the new family of God weren't related by common blood.  They were--and are--related by the blood of Jesus Christ.  And because of that, we have a new Father.

The people of God talk about the good old days every Sunday.  The stories are timeless. 

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