Thursday, February 11, 2016

When I built the house in Pryor, I added a room with an outside entrance for my dad.  He decided it was time to move in with us after my mom died.  I had become concerned about him because of his eating habits.  Every morning, he ate cookies for breakfast.

Well, I thought about that yesterday when I got up and looked around for something to eat, and lying on the counter were some cookies that Becky had baked for me and brought over.  I ate them.  For breakfast.  I am my father's daughter.  I decided it wasn't such a bad idea anyway.  They had raisins, and lemon juice, and eggs in them--how bad could that be.

My dad ate cookies for breakfast for years--and lived to be 94.  The way I figure it, if I take up the habit, I have--at the very least--sixteen more years to enjoy cookies.

We are what we eat.  We are what we do.  We are not what we think--because thoughts without actions are nothing but dreams.  But thoughts can lead to actions.  That is why the Bible says: "A good man, out of the good treasure of his heart, brings forth that which is good; and an evil man, out of the evil treasure of his heart, brings forth that which is evil: for out of the abundance of the heart, his mouth speaks."  Luke 6:45

We need to be very careful what we think about.  What we dwell on--more often than not--ends up becoming the behavior that we display--and the words that we speak.  If you hold a grudge, you will eventually behave in a way that is not Christlike against the person that has offended you.  Maybe they just had a bad day.  Give it a break.  At the very least, try to keep your mouth shut.

"Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue, keeps his soul from troubles."  Proverbs 21:23

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